Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blog 3

The topic of whether or not we are living in the matrix right now catches my attention the most because of how it relates to our society now. I find it to be extremely fascinating. The possibility of living in the matrix brings about many theories. For instance right now we could just be brains floating in vats believing that we are in class and reading our assignments when actually electrical pulses are being sent to our brains to have us believe thus. But at the same time it's impossible to believe that such a thing is happening because majority of our beliefs would be false as stated by Nixon in the Matrix and philosophy. Yet even in the Matrix not all of Neo's belief's turned out to be false. But to me the most convincing argument is how do we truly know? Whether it is beliefs or senses can we really trust it enough to know that we are not in the Matrix or even in a similar scenario? Look at our society today, majority of the people are slaves to the media without even fully understanding or knowing it. Are we ever in full control of ourselves? We may not be in an exaggerated state like in the Matrix and in other theories but we are in a very similar and damning predicament. We are constantly influenced and constantly taught what to think without realization. A select few can actually break out of it or never followed it to begin with but it always comes with /brings consequences. In spreading the “truth” and “knowledge” the government will keep more tabs on you then ever before, those around you dismiss you as crazy or weird. In a way we never really evolved from the age of Socrates. What was he trying to do? Naught but spread awareness and knowledge but he was mocked and eventually heavily punished for it. I find that although philosophers ask many questions and try to find the truth we can never be truly sure. There is always uncertainty with discussions such as these. We can neither deny nor confirm it can only depend on the individual and what you feel is real. This topic does not confuse as much as it makes me realize and think. Everything is so interconnected that examples and arguments can be brought up in a snap of a finger yet no one ever truly wins. We can only decide for ourselves what is false what is real what we choose to believe and follow. My only request and that such is done with full awareness so that no person or organization (like the media) can take control and most of humanity become mindless slaves to it.


bluedum said...

An-nyeng-ha-se-yo! (It's korean greeting,you know!)
I agree with your opinion that we are a slave of the mass media. What we have to get rid of this? We should know and try to learn the reality of society not to be tricked the matrix and the mass media.

Let's be Neo!