Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Workshop 10/12/09
Well today I had to do a little more research on my paper I couldnt do a lotbecuase i have a lot of other things to do that are a little more important . Right now im juggling how i will put everything together and work it out. I cannot make assumptions of what i will do in the future cause I myself am unsure of how much work iI will be able to do. Hopefully Dr. Smith and I can work something out.
Posted by ~Sinead~ at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Essay Five My Planssss
Okay so for Essay five the final project I plan on doing a research on Japanese culture/ fashion wirth a video as a visual representative. For the Upcoming few days I plan on doing some intensive reaseacrh and studying on my topic and looking up a whole bunch of examples. As well as looking for music that connects to each type of fashion. As the weeks further progress I shall start cutting and editing my Video and adding more more blogs on my subject. I plan on writing at least 2-3 entries this week on my topic and next week I will just get into it deeper describin in more detail the histiory and such and posting up pictures (not the same pictures I will have in my video of course).I plan on finishing the project as early as posssible so I can just ad d the finishing touches and not stress over it.
Posted by ~Sinead~ at 7:42 AM 2 comments
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Essay 3 Pass :)
As Garcia and Sanfordon pages 61-62 discuss "source" and "ontological status" they are trying to prove their tclaim and differintiate between real and unreal. The matirx is an "unreal" world but it is all the people have ever known so to the mit is real. How can it be proven to be "unreal"? How can we be totally sure?
As this argument is being discussed the term "source" comes into play. The source here means how it all began, where it originated. In the Matrix we know the source of the matrix are the machines. We also know it was a result of the war between humans and machines. What we don't know are the exact terms of the event. We don't know how it all came to that event or what were the specifics. So we aren't exactly sure of the source of the "real world". But we do know the matrix does not cause what occurs in the realw olrd. The source helps us to break down each world so we cans ay if one is real or not.
After discussing source another term comes into play ontological status. Which basically means the reference to the physical world, "the way things exist" (pg 61). A way of determining the ontological status of both worlds is seeing it int erms of dependence. The real worlsd shouldnt have to depnd on anything to exist. But the matrix("unreal" world depends ont he machines (in the real world) to keep everything running.
In using ontological status and the source Garcia and Sanford are trying to categorize what is real and unreal and how can we be sure, "The real world is metaphysically distinct from the unreal world because the former contains things that have a different source and ontological status from things contained in the latter" (62). In other words they have developed a way to tell the difference of each world.
I personally have t o agree with Garcia and Sanfords assessment. In terms of ontological status the real world should be able to to stand alone with no dependency. Only something created, something unreal would have to be dependent on the original or creator. In terms of source we know the history of the matrix already and know it is a world created by the machines so it cannot be real. Although we don't have complete knowledge of all the sources int he real world, we have a general idea.
I can see the logic categorizing with the two terms and I can understand it. IN knowing the source of something you know its a creation if it is created majority of the time it is not real. I something requires dependency of the creator or original it again, probably is not real. If it can stand alone it is most likely real.
Posted by ~Sinead~ at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Blog 8: My boundries...
My boundries creates a safe heaven for my existence. My skin sheilds my delicate internal organs from the harsh outside world and allows them to have space to maintain working order. My clothes further protect me from the harsh weather and give me a sense of privacy. My room provides a place for me to sleep , a world where I can come into and relax be myself unwind from a hard day. My windows keep the outside world from disrupting my peace. My apartment building is an even bigger boundry around my privacy allowing me to be able to have my room and windows for protection. Myy school is another boundry keeping me safe from harm , providing me with means of how to make it in the outside world. All these boundries are forms of protection and privacy which iI find to be most important in this life, as Humans we need something to call our own where we can feel safe, relaxed and protcted. But it is constantly being penatrated with connections from beyond our little world. The internet,cellphone/ telephone, television, and radio bring the outside world into our home. We cannot avoid it the contact is necessary but at the same time we never fully gain our privacy, we are not fully protected... So can we really feel safe and relaxed in our own little world we have created when the outside one keeps barging in? Do our boundries really protect us? My life also revolves around time I use a clock on my computer, my cellphone, my Zune. Everything depends on time its essential. Timining is everything, I have to time my recreational periods, what time to get up for school and or work, Time to study .. etc. Time controls everything aound me. I am defined by my boundries and time it makes me who I am..
Posted by ~Sinead~ at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
BLOG 7 THANK GOD ITS OVER.. WELL almost for me anyhow.
OKAY So like the whole process of this Essay 4 midterm paper thing was dreadful. I mean I enjoyed because I learned so much about my Lovely Edgar Allan Poe but at the same time it was information overload. It really helped prepare me for future essays espcialy long ass ones like this one. I had to google a heck of a lot of information and Wikipedia was the only site that had detailed info even thou I searched around it was really the only site I develop a basis on. The power point was grueling I disliked it I felt and feel, seeing as i have yet to present, that it is inadequate. I found a picture for each silde that dealt with every topic discussed to give a visual along with the info. Hopefully I do well. If i could do a do-over I think id relax a little more and not heavily stress too much because that is what i think was my downfall I got so stressed I put myself in a rut. Overall though on a scale of one to ten I give myself a 7 I thinki did pretty fair and I tried my best. Now I am prepared for future papers! :D
Posted by ~Sinead~ at 5:13 PM 0 comments